What is Art Journaling?

I have always kept a diary and felt it has always helped me to get my thoughts out on paper, it organises my mind, sets it in order. I have however never been very good with words. Quite a few years ago I came across Art Journaling, it is Art making and diary keeping all rolled up into one glorious form. And the best part is it is for you and you alone, it doesn`t matter what it looks like, or that it doesn`t mean anything to anyone else. It is a way to express your thoughts, dreams, experiences, memories and worries in a creative constructive way. There are no rules or restrictions. It allows me to use colour, texture, mixed media to experiment, reminise and have a good old rant. You can paint, draw, stamp, collage, write and well basically do anything that feels good to you! record your feelings, daily life and inspiration in one place. So dive in, have a go, play, experiment and you will soon see just what I mean!

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